Jodosoft.Numerics.Clamped Namespace

Provides non-overflowing number types.



ByteM Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer that cannot overflow.
DecimalM Represents a decimal floating-point number that cannot overflow.
DoubleM Represents a double-precision floating-point number that cannot overflow.
Fix64M Represents a decimal fixed-point number that cannot overflow.
Int16M Represents a 64-bit signed integer that cannot overflow.
Int32M Represents a 32-bit signed integer that cannot overflow.
Int64M Represents a 64-bit signed integer that cannot overflow.
SByteM Represents an 8-bit signed integer that cannot overflow.
SingleM Represents a single-precision floating-point number that cannot overflow.
UFix64M Represents a decimal fixed-point unsigned number that cannot overflow.
UInt16M Represents a 16-bit unsigned integer that cannot overflow.
UInt32M Represents a 32-bit unsigned integer that cannot overflow.
UInt64M Represents a 64-bit unsigned integer that cannot overflow.